what makes love last?
love lasts because you want it to -missyingling
forgiveness... there's a 100% chance your loved one will do something to upset you. if you cannot forgive, then love does not stand a chance -melissa b
watch the video review below about envyderm
Get those longer, thicker & fuller lashes (even eyebrows) you've always dreamed of & win EnvyDerm rt$99.95, an eyelash growth stimulator! Based on clinical studies, notice a 25% increase within 2 weeks & a 72% increase within 6 to 8. Reinforces lashes with proteins, vitamins & moisturizers, & offers prescription-like results!

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I did this comment first, I promise but it didn't show up. When I think back on the last month, what stands out the most is how quickly time is passing by.
ReplyDeleteThe moment that my son-in-law called to tell me that my daughter is expecting a baby!
ReplyDeleteThank you for are your great giveaways!
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I'm a GFC Follower - Libby's Library
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the moment that stands our for me is I gave birth to my third child on April 9th! Its my second girl! I was excited and the thought of how in the world will I pay for their weddings and college both came to mind! lol
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The moment that sticks out the most for me is when my daughter got stuck in the bathroom while we were out to dinner. When she got out (just a matter of maybe one minute) she threw her arms around my neck saying "I was so afraid that I would have to grow up in there and I would have to be married to the toilet!" Yeah - that moment is really sticking with me :)
ReplyDeletedspeese at bellsouth dot net
Over the past month the thing that stands out the most is everyone being sick in my house and the lack of sun!
ReplyDeleteI went to Six Flags! :) Thanks so much for the chance!
ReplyDeleteTweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Merri617/status/61180440899362816
ReplyDeleteFollowing on GFC: MeredithDz
ReplyDeleteVisiting my aunt in California at her new house was the highlight of my month so far!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I like hypnotic on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I like Envyderm on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
I tweeted about the giveaway, I'm @AmberGoo:
Thank you for the giveaway :)
When I seen my teen daughter playing on stage at the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.
GFC follower
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Merri617/status/61425370565578752
ReplyDeleteThe moment that stands out this past month is my chaperoning 40 13 year olds on a field trip 600 miles away from home! calvad at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteFor me it is getting an unexpected bonus at work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance.
The past month has been a tough one but wat stands out the most to me was having my sister there when I got my test results. Then she listened to every concern, complaint, and overwhelmed exclamation! Then she said I love you.
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My husband sprinkled rose petals down the hallway, into our bedroom and on the bed! ;)
As I look back over the past month, the moment
ReplyDelete(sorry last post, I forgot to give email)
that stands out the most for me is my holding my new baby nephew and watching him smile and coo at me as I sat visiting with my parents, cousins, brother and their families. We had such a warm loving and fun time as we got together to celebrate the 5 birthdays we have in April and May. What a lucky person I am so have a loving family!
vinco (at) old fat man (dot) c om
I "like" envyderm on facebook as "Riah Rambles"
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I posted on Envyderms Facebook wall (where I am Riah Rambles) here is the link to my post: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Envyderm/120882294596280?sk=wall#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=210505002300675&id=100002129889142
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This past month, I was accepted into a professional training program! I'll be starting this summer and on my way to my dream job!
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ReplyDelete-Lauren Chan
I liked hypnotic on facebook.
ReplyDelete-Lauren chan
ReplyDeleteAfter a few weeks of team practices my grandson stepped up to the base to bat for the very first time in a 'real' game. He is 5 years old. His first bat he made it to 1st. As other batters took their turn my grandson progressed to third and then HOME!! He was so excited he kept running and tried to run to 1st again. He is so precious to me.
ReplyDeleteTweeted: http://twitter.com/Merri617/status/62358448574181376
ReplyDeleteI've been ill for several years and this was the first time in over 5 years that I was able to enjoy Passover with my family which meant more to me than anything else in the world.
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
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kleimanlaw at aol dot com
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ReplyDeleteThank you for sponsoring the EnvyDerm Eyelash Growth Stimulator Giveaway @ Hypnotic http://tinyurl.com/3f3swp8 5/18
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
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kleimanlaw at aol dot com
The moment I remember most is when my Doc told me that he needs to take a biopsy from my L breast. Not the best memory, but it is my most memorable. Bobbie Crippen on FaceBook, I "like" and shared. Go Hypnotic, you rock.
ReplyDeleteWhen I look back over this month I think the moment that most stands out is when my mother and me finally started bonding.
I follow " Hypnotic" on Twitter and I Tweeted this giveaway. script on twitter. From bcript1@att.net
ReplyDeletewhen I look back over the past month moment that stands out for me is my shoulder surgery. Kind of hard to forget. lol
ReplyDeletemamabunny13 at gmail dot com
I like envyderm on fb-mamabunny shelor
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tweet http://twitter.com/#!/mamabunny13/status/62475706269048832
ReplyDeletemamabunny13 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteThis month, today in fact, I started running again for the first time in over a year.
ReplyDeletekarideux at gmail dot com
when you look back over the past month, what moment stands out?
ReplyDeleteI lost 65 pounds. went in for a weight in at the dr and i had lost 65 pounds since the last time.
I LIked Envyderm on facebook as Leah Pruitt
ReplyDeleteVisiting my parents in Georgia.
I LIKE Envyderm on FB~ Jennifer L.
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ReplyDeleteTweeted: http://twitter.com/Merri617/status/63402249778503680
ReplyDeletei found a new happiness with my life.. and i'm not quite sure why
ReplyDeleteaddictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
the moment I left my bf :(
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The moment I found out I was pregnant
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ReplyDeleteOver the last month... My therapist dropping me as a client stands out. My case was too complex and serious for her.
The moment would be today with my 6 year old singing Bruno Marrs' "You're amazing" to me at school. Made me cry..
ReplyDeleteMy most remembered moment of this past month was when I heard about Asama Bin Lauden's death. It was a shocking moment that I thought would never happen.
ReplyDeleteI liked Envyderm on FB as Steva Spottswood
ReplyDeletethe thing that stands out most this last month was a trip home to see all my family. I've lived out of state for 8 years so it's always good to go back.
I LIKE Envyderm on Facebook. Adrienne Crook Bireley
I tweeted. http://twitter.com/acrook1/statuses/69791841150713856
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I LIKE you on FAcebook. Adrienne Crook Bireley
the moment that stands out is waking up to snow in May, yuk!
ReplyDeletehbbs55 at gmail dot com
like enveyderm on facebook as Holly C.
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ReplyDeleteThe moment that stood out for me was hearing that Bin Laden was dead. I did not cheer or celebrate, but I was glad.
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dchrisg3 @ gmail . com
I follow you on Google Friend Connect/Blogger. (Debbie C)
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Hearing my baby's heartbeat :).
ReplyDeleteAmybabya79 at yahoo dot com
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ReplyDeleteGFC follower Amy_M
ReplyDeleteThe past month me and my boyfriend celebrated our two year anniversary and he gave me an amazing necklace :)
One month ago, we had just left Disney World and visited my dad and sisters. I don't get to see them often at all, so every moment we were there was special! Watching the kids spend time with their aunties and grandpa was great :)
ReplyDeletewhen i look back over the past month...makes me realize how close my son is to graduation
The moment I got on the scale and the needle stopped under the lowest it's been in years! Yay!
Lilly likes Envyderm on FB.
Celebrating our anniversary with hubby!
ReplyDeleteno19034770 @yahoo.com
looking back over the last month, sitting laughing with my mom and son on mothers day definitely stands out as a perfect moment.
ReplyDeletearobertson75 at comcast dot net
ReplyDeleteamybabya79 at yahoo.com
My moment was last Monday, walking into my new job. I was (and still am) so nervous... it's been awhile!
ReplyDeletepauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
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ReplyDeletepauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
There are several moments that stand out in my mind when I think over the past month. I volunteer with an animal rescue organization and we have been able to place numerous critters with loving families recently. Each moment is priceless.
ReplyDeleteI like Envyderm on Facebook - Angela Cash.
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/angevege/status/70503041647902720
I like Hypnotic Blend on Facebook - Angela Cash.
ReplyDeletewhat stands out is mothers day and the gorgeous flowers my kids gave me :)
ReplyDeletegoogle friend klp1965
ReplyDeleteone moment that stands out was the day i got a call from my husband and i freaked out, but it turned out alright
ReplyDeletesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
The death of my Grandmother is the moment that stands out.
ReplyDeletealiaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You :)
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Thank You!! :)
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Thank You!! :)
I added one of your Buttons to my Blog
aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! :)
Learning that my great nephew will never be able to see unless he has a special operation that insurance does not cover stands out for me. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable moment this month was when i was sitting in mcdonalds with my daughter. She walked up to the window and said "mommy! spiders! they tickle me!" I told her that they were lovebugs, not spiders and she goes "lovebugs? I LOVE lovebugs!"
fb fan of envyderm
the one moment that sticks out the most is that I was told my son will be graduating. My other son got his GED also!
ReplyDeletewendym at cableone dot net
Looking back on the past month, the moment that sticks out the most is digging up my first ever garden and planting vegetables - feels like I did something worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteLooking back on the past month I think the moment that stands out is running the Susan G. Komen 5k. It was amazing.
My daughters first day of Kindergarten transition. She loved it!
What moment stands out this last month...besides winning on your blog..YAY...is babysitting my future nephew in laws new baby kitten. She is here right now sweet as can be. It's a girl but he named her scooter...but I'm calling her Scooter Sweetheart. OH! My other neice & her family just moved back & I am so thrilled about that!
I had hand surgery in the past month.
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I like Envyderm on Facebook and posted on the wall as Kayce Crews
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How I spent my mothers day. kellyeandjosh@aol.com
ReplyDeleteliked envy on fb. kellyeandjosh@aol.com
ReplyDeleteTough question. I think what makes love last is commitment and willingness to work through tough patches. Of course, you have to start with passion for the person.
ReplyDeleteThe moment that stands out the most over the past month was finding out I made a 100% on my College Alegbra test :)
"like" envyderm on facebook (Stephanie Petty-Grant)
ReplyDeleteI posted the scentance on their facebook wall (Stephanie Petty-Grant)
I follow via GFC (thegrants)
I "like" hypnotic on facebook (Stephanie Petty-Grant)
I have such terrible mommy brain that I have trouble remembering the past week much less the past month. Lol. My daughter finished her sophomore year of high school and is now officially a junior. I swear she was just born yesterday. Lol. She will get her senior ring this year and everything.
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ReplyDeleteLeah W.
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ReplyDeleteLeah W.
Very nice blog. :) Just want to share. I've tried different ways to thicken my eyelashes and make it longer and fabulous. I've tried having eyelash extensions, putting false eyelashes and using mascara, but I felt unhappy with those products because it looks unnatural. I've tried envyderm product and definitely it's working. I love my eyelashes now. :)
ReplyDeleteLove will last if you have compromise & understanding.
ReplyDeleteGFC follower Nicolew
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ReplyDeleteEnvyderm is impressive. The video provided the visual proof. The growth of the lashes is visible and the percentages are also good. So, I think this gonna be getting popularity in sweepstakes
ReplyDeleteThis is my very first time here, really good looking blog. I discovered a lot of interesting stuff within your blog especially
ReplyDeleteit's discussion. From all the remarks on your posts, it looks like this is really a extremely popular site. Keep up the good work.
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The issues are very well defined and explained. Moreover it contains lot of detailed information. Envyderm is cool. Thanks for sharing it and looking forward to seeing new posts.
ReplyDeleteOnline sweepstakes
Eyelash Enhancer will surely give you your desired results even by only applying a small quantity every day. The scientific clearance regarding its safety is what makes it genuine. You can apply this by using the eyeliner brush and leaving it on your lashes.